Minggu, 19 Mei 2013

Famous Artwork at Home

In general, famous works of art should be hung so that the center point of the picture or grouping at about eye level for the average person. While this would not be possible in every situation and it is a good guideline to keep in mind.

Another technique to keep in mind is that the grouping of pictures should be considered as one unit. Test picture settings by putting everything in a large table, be creative with combinations until you hit on one that works. Putting famous works of art on paper is better because you will be able to trace around each object and determine where picture should digantungankan.

You can also lay out pieces of scrap molding (or tape) onto the floor to form the "outside" bundaries of grouping images - measurements in which small pieces of art will be determined. This is useful when a particular wall has certain limits which have to be considered (such as chair rail, windows, heating vents, and the like) and helps keep your settings right size.

In the following pages you will find a lot of photos to illustrate the principle or tip for hanging artwork. Read a brief description of symmetry, line, and balance, and observing how they relate to the images displayed. Furthermore, evaluating works of art in your home. You might find a way to achieve an "art makeover" to better showcase famous artwork you have.

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