Selasa, 14 Mei 2013

Displaying art famous works at Home

Displaying art famous works at Home

In a museum setting, the environment is controlled by the temperature and relative humidity levels are optimal for long-term preservation of works of art, at the same time allowing for human comfort. Ideally, the temperature is kept between 19 to 21 ° C and relative humidity between 40% and 55% with fluctuations of no more than 5% in a day. In a private home where it may be impossible to duplicate the conditions of museums, environmental stability can be approached more closely to carefully choose the location used for the display and storage of famous artworks.

When choosing a location to display your artwork, a number of factors to keep in mind:

The interior rooms will have a more stable environment of the room with the outside wall.
Locations are open to the outside (room where the windows open) will suffer from large fluctuations in temperature and relative humidity. Exterior walls will, in certain seasons, winter and damper of the interior walls in the same room.
Area above or adjacent to heat sources such as hot air vents, radiators and fireplaces, hot and dry and will suffer wide fluctuations in temperature and humidity.
The kitchen and bathrooms are not appropriate warm and wet to hang famous artwork.
Often poorly insulated attic and outdoor temperature fluctuations follow.
Often cold and damp basement can be accepted.
Ventilation gap left between each object and the wall will prevent excessive cooling and humidity.
Automatic portable humidifiers and dehumidifiers can contribute greatly to the stabilization of the relative humidity in the room when the right size for the space.

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