Senin, 24 September 2012

2012 Beijing urban public sculpture work points

2012, to accelerate the full implementation of the Beijing "12th Five-Year Plan" force year, the Beijing municipal public sculpture environmental art and urban public sculpture work should be based on the actual actively implement the seventh session of the Sixth Plenary Session of the cultural development and prosperity of For the spirit of the instructions of the spiritual and city leaders on strengthening the meticulous management of the city, closely around the planning work of the Centre, to seize the opportunity for reform of the institutions, according to Beijing "12th five urban public environment development of Art (city sculpture) Plan" (hereinafter referred to as the "Plan"), to strengthen research, improve the planning, promote the building of the standardized management focus, enhance the work of forward-looking, scientific and creative, actively promote the fusion expanding urban sculpture to the public environmental art. After careful research, and now make the following seven categories, 30 main points:
Advanced research, laying a solid foundation, the formation of reserves.
Beijing, the actual focus on the needs of the times and functions to expand, to carry out the art planning and management system of the urban public sculpture environment, urban sculpture industry management system and other infrastructure, the forward-looking research, clear the basic concept of the urban public environmental art, to explore urban bronze sculpture and urban management models and mechanisms for the integration of public environmental art, the urban sculptures industry management tools and measures, more integrated, more comprehensive urban public environmental art work to lay the foundation to provide reserves and technical support.
Second, to deepen the comprehensive planning system, effectively advancing the planning and implementation.
To promote innovative preparation of the Beijing center city urban bronze sculpture planning based on demand and conditional counties, the preparation of key functional areas of urban public sculpture environmental art (urban sculpture) special planning, study and explore the planning and implementation mechanisms to ensure that urban public environment art and urban space layout combination, orderly, high-quality, distinctive planning and construction.
Third, to promote the construction of public environmental art of the key projects, important functional areas to improve the artistic quality of the public environment.
Continue to cooperate with the rail transportation and other key projects to promote public art design and construction. Combination of affordable housing, the renovation of the old district livelihood security projects, research and pilot performance and the embodiment of the people, near of the Nationality public environment art. Actively cooperate with the planning and construction of the future of science and technology city, Tongzhou Canal core area of ​​the CBD, FBD, Financial Street and other important functional areas, and early intervention to carry out public environmental art design, production and artistic producer work to ensure a high level, high-standard construction . With the Shijingshan District government, to build the bronze sculpture exhibition hall, and continue to promote the development of the Beijing International Sculpture Park.
Around putting the "spirit", to carry out a series of urban stone sculpture program solicitation and exhibitions, and other large-scale events.
The surrounding publicity putting the "spirit", the development of urban sculpture actual, planned and organized the the iconic stone sculptures program solicitation, practice the spirit of Beijing, sculptures humanities "City Sculpture Design Exhibition in Beijing, the capital of the nineteenth urban planning construction design report to show urban sculpture thematic exhibitions, the Seventh Cultural and Creative Industry Expo urban sculpture exhibition of large-scale activities, with the relevant units of organization urban sculpture thematic exhibitions. In accordance with the sculpture of the mature one make a principle of promoting the building of a number to reflect the spirit of Beijing city.
Fifth, strengthen the work of the day-to-day management of urban sculpture.
Research development of urban stone sculpture project approval procedures, the procedures for bidding, and standardize management procedures and systems. Maintenance to update the Beijing urban sculpture query service system, build the Beijing sculptures file repository, urban sculpture industry database to find out the sculpture industry resources in Beijing, and the strengthening of industry training and exchange, explore sculptures industry filing management. The good urban sculpture routine maintenance, repair, and key areas of urban sculpture emergency response work.
Of the current sculpture Management file to sort out, to carry out preliminary studies of urban sculpture and urban public environmental art legislation. Actively promote the reform of institutions, to promote and strengthen urban public environmental art administrative functions, improve the internal management system.
Seven, step up publicity efforts to increase public sculpture participation.
Urban public environmental art and urban sculpture publicity, the use of the network, the media and other ways to interpret the status quo urban sculpture through advocacy, sculpture program publicity, appraisals, etc., to raise public awareness and participation of public art. Promote the community public popularization of environmental art work, organization sculptures into the community, organizing lectures, photography, text game, and other forms of interaction.

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