Sabtu, 20 Juli 2013

Once again, the cheap artwork collection settlement ezhinogo herd

Going on vacation, rest and start something for nothing is sewn, not sew.
Is it hot so affected, whether the body needs to rest in the "do not do anything - running - eating fruit -. Lying on the couch with a book"

So while I can only show new members collections hedgehog who filled in recent months for a cheap artwork.
Number of examples of times - very natural.
Made of twigs and some chips. In the back seat - even kinky
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Example number two - clay.
The work of the author of the white clay, with a magnet.
Bought at the exhibition devoted to the City Day, from visiting artists from Nizhny Novgorod.
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Example number three - thread-rastaman.
Masters of Fair writer - Alina Paul, which makes the thread very much funny to trademark its long-nosed character.
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Finally, an example number four - his "Hedgehog in the Fog".
You can imagine that this figure is very thin height only 4 centimeters? and this, together with Stand.
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Soviet cartoon character both at the same fair master makes Ruslan Volkov.
Small size and similarity of the cheap artworks and very impressive.
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Minggu, 14 Juli 2013

famous artwork

famous artwork, if not a lover of art, perhaps you do not believe to hear the price of this painting. Late works of Norwegian painter Edvard Munch titled 'The Scream', officially became the most expensive work of art sold at auction in the world after Sotheby Hall, New York City, USA for USD 120 million.

Party Sotheby's set a preliminary offer of $ 80 million. At the time of the auction, the two buyers compete with each other by phone. After 15 minutes a price war, ultimately the seller institution artwork was knocking hammer on the USD 120 million, as reported by Reuters news agency.

Before finally solved 'The Scream', the most expensive work of art in the world is a Picasso painting titled "Nude, green leaves and bust ', for USD 106 million. When it's broken record another fine art auction house, which Christie's.

Parties keep names Sotheby's buyer's most expensive painting. Tobias Meyer, the famous auction house officials assure the owner will not lose money superbanyak issued for ransom. "This painting was worth this expensive, because of its position as an icon of modern art," says Meyer.

'The Scream' depicts a glum-faced man with both hands holding his chin in beautiful background. For the art critic, the Munch masterpiece just lost to famous artworks owned by Leonardo Da Vinci's 'Mona Lisa'.

Painting which costs the equivalent of the annual fund hundreds of World Bank assistance to the impoverished country formerly owned by Norwegian businessman Petter Olsen. Munch made ​​four versions of the painting 'The Scream', but three other versions already owned museum Scandinavian painter's home country.

The fourth version of the painting's price can be expensive because it is owned by individuals. Famous artworks are usually purchased in order not to create a war museum outrageous price.

Sabtu, 06 Juli 2013

famous artwork

Art is something that can not be defined as the realization of an artist's imagination.

Although over time there is a change in the style of painting, some artists still stands out as a masterpiece and is known for his pioneering work. Their works have inspired millions of people around the world.

Here are some famous artworks whose name printed neatly in history.

1. Leonardo da Vinci

Leonardo da Vinci (15 April 1452 - May 2, 1519) is one of the most talented artists of the Renaissance period.

This painter known primarily for some of his masterpieces like 'Mona Lisa' and 'The Last Supper'.

In addition to these works, Leonardo da Vinci also produced 'The Virgin of the Rocks', 'The Madonna of the Carnation', 'The Adoration of the Magi' and writing about the 'Vitruvian Man'.

2. Vincent Van Gogh

Vincent Van Gogh (30 March 1853 - 29 July 1890) produced a number of stunning paintings which proved to be an inspiration for artists around the world.

Vincent Van Gogh is one of the pioneers 'Expressionism', which can be seen in the works of art.

'Still Life: Vase with Twelve Flowers', 'Bedroom in Arles', 'The Café Terrace on the Place', 'The Starry Night', is a famous artwork is made.

3. Wassily Kandinsky

Wassily Kandinsky (December 16, 1866 - December 13, 1944) is a master in the art of painting.

Painter known for works of art and the use of geometric abstract style. However, different styles of Kandinsky 'Impressionism' and 'Cubism'.

Kandinsky works also show the influence of 'pointillism' and its composition has an arrangement of shapes and lines that are very unique and complex.

'The Blue Rider', 'Composition VII', 'On White II' and 'Composition X' are some of the famous artworks.

Selasa, 02 Juli 2013

theft of metal artwork

A bronze sculpture by British artist Barbara Hepworth insured for half a million pounds (600,000 euros) has been stolen from a London park by suspected robbers who want to resell the metal artwork.

The work, called 'Two forms (Divided circle)' and performed in 1969, was stolen Monday night in Dulwich Park in the district of Southwark, in South London.

The City Council area offered a reward of 1,000 pounds (1,200 euros) to citizens who provide information leading to the capture of the thieves, according to British media reports today.

The mayor of the local consistory, Peter John, asked London police to investigate the theft, which is believed to form part of a wave of thefts of metal artwork in the country that are melted and sold in the market black.

"The theft of public art and metal is becoming an epidemic," said John, who asked the police to investigate the "nauseating" theft.

London Metropolitan Police (MET) established this month a unit specifically dedicated to metal artwork theft, a lucrative activity increasingly widespread in the UK.

Hepworth sculpture (1903-1975), who was in London park since 1970, is one of several public works of the artist, who has one of his best known works, 'Winged Figure', on the outside wall of the warehouse John Lewis the center of the British capital.