Senin, 23 September 2013

Fitness & Fat Loss
Prevention of obesity is the responsibility of every individual. Parents are especially responsible for educating themselves on ways to prevent obesity in their children.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in 1991 conducted a survey on fat facts. The survey was focused on which states were the most obese (obesity is defined as being 30 pounds overweight).

Six Out of Ten Americans Are Overweight and Three Are Obese...

In 1991, there were only four states that fell into the "Fat Zone". To be considered for this honor, the states needed to have "more than 15% who are obese." In 1993, just three years later, the number increased to 12 states. In 1995, the number increased again to a total of 27 states. In 2000, the number had increased again to 44 states.

Now here are some very interesting facts about the six states that are not in the fat zone. The following states, listed by the CDC 2000 survey are as follows: Arizona, Colorado, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Montana, and New Hampshire.

What do they all have in common? The answer is a lack of fast food restaurants, and a real focus on exercise and fitness.

By 2007, we had all 50 states included in the picture. It stands to reason, that if out of every 10 Americans, 6 are overweight and 3 of these 6 are obese, then again the question comes up, "who or what is to blame for our fat nation?" We can fix the blame on many different causes, but the real problem comes back to nest in the lack of knowledge related to what causes obesity.

Fast Food Restaurants & The Fat Zone

I thought this statement was most interesting. The U.S. Census Bureau shared, "In slim Montana, you'll find one fast-food joint every 170 square miles; in heavy Kentucky, you can stop for fries every 13 square miles."

The above facts seem to have been very obvious to most people who live within the 44 fat zone states. But after over 13 years of research in the area of weight-Loss, there is more to our fat nation challenge than just fast foods and exercise and fitness.

Weight Loss Product Sales Are Soaring

As a result, "Fat Loss Product Sales Are Soaring" Research Alert, May 17, 2002, states, "People are fat and getting fatter, yet everyone wants to be thin. Sales of diet products jump 6.6 percent in the year (2002), with no end to the increase in sight." This means no matter where you live, you will see an increase in weight loss product sales for sure!

Most Americans Have No Clue About The Causes of Obesity

The challenge we face in America in preventing obesity is that many Americans have no clue about what really causes weight challenges or obesity, many still consider it to be a moral and personal problem. Is it just fast foods and lack of exercise, or is there a larger picture with the toxic environment and health challenges that are converging on our nation?

Here is another interesting fact, we eat far less fat than we did 10 years ago. Unexpectedly, obesity rates have skyrocketed. However, in 2009, the obesity trend is still climbing.

People are trying ways to prevent obesity and to do the right thing, but many and I mean you, are just not aware of all the preexisting health challenges that not only hinder weight reduction; also, to a great degree, cause weight gain.

Fat Burning Foods - The Truth Behind Grapefruit and Citrus Fruits

According to an array of research and studies, many citrus foods-specifically grapefruit-help the body to burn fat. For example, the Nutrition and Medical Research Centre at Scripps Clinic in San Diego initiated research and studies that prove how the simple consumption of grapefruit or grapefruit juice led to a significant loss in body fat and weight. While a fad-diet from the 1980s, titled the "grapefruit diet," may have been the first source of the grapefruit fat burning rumors, experts and scientists are uncovering new information that supports the fruit's powerful effects!

The Fat Burning Benefits of Grapefruit

Whether you drink a simple glass of pure grapefruit juice, or if you enjoy the fruit in its whole form, consumers of grapefruit experience significant fat burning benefits. In examining a clinical study of this fruit, leading researcher Dr. Fujioka created a trial wherein 100 obese individuals were monitored as some participants consumed grapefruit while others did not. While engaging in this trial, participants did not make any changes to their diet or exercise habits, other than those who were required to add a daily serving of grapefruit. Dr. Fujioka broke the participants into three groups, and studied their fat burning processes by implementing specific grapefruit requirements:

    The first group did not consume any grapefruit
    The second group ate half of a grapefruit before each meal, three times each day
    The third group drank grapefruit juice before each meal, three times each day.

According to Dr. Fujioka's results and reports, the two groups who consumed grapefruit before each meal lost an average of 3.6 pounds over the course of 12 weeks! When comparing this to the group abstaining from grapefruit, the non-citrus eaters only lost an average of half of a pound during the 12 weeks.

Additional Benefits of Grapefruit

While grapefruit has been proven to work as a fat burning food, consumers of grapefruit will also experience additional health benefits. According to Dr. Fujioka's study, individuals who consumed his allotted amounts of grapefruit each day also experienced decreased levels of insulin, which is a hormone that regulates the body's metabolism, energy, and blood sugar levels. An excess of insulin can actually lead to serious illnesses, such as diabetes; therefore, a steady diet of grapefruit can actually prevent the development of this health disorder.

When examining how grapefruit provides consumers with fat burning and health benefits, some suggest that the lower insulin levels are the main catalyst for enhanced fat burning abilities. Essentially, as grapefruit stabilizes energy levels and insulin levels, the body is able to maintain a more stable energy state. Oftentimes when faced with an energy crash or feelings of fatigue, the body will jump into a hunger-mode, as the body will seek out sugary and unhealthy foods to receive an immediate and fast energy boost. When engaging in these habits, individuals are choosing foods that lead to weight gain. In contrast, when individuals experience more stable blood sugar levels, the body is able to regulate its energy, burning up fat cells in order to invigorate and boost the body.

Additional Citrus Fat Burning Foods

While grapefruit has been the most researched and verified fat burning citrus product, some studies indicate that other citrus foods can also lead to fat burning effects. For example, lemon and oranges may also promote enhanced fat burning processes; however, these fruits are less clinically supported than the powerful grapefruit benefits. When choosing to incorporate grapefruit into your diet, enjoy the whole fruit or purchase a juice with no additives, sugars, or concentrates. Fresh squeezed and all natural grapefruit will deliver the greatest fat burning.

Stop! Paid Online Writing Jobs - New Killer Affiliate Dashboard

If you desire to work online as writer and get paid then you do not need experience in writing or a bachelor's degree. You will actually learn as you progress and all you have to do is research and study the topics given to you then put them into words. However having basic information and skills about online writing jobs gives you the advantage of writing good content and acquiring good salary.

The first thing you need to do is to research on what article topics you can use and can help guarantee your success. There are a lot of content types, one is the low quality and the other is the high quality. However, to get the attention of your readers and start making money you should somewhere be in the middle quality. This means you need to write content that is not so low and not so high in quality. Writing low quality articles will make you reader end up not interested because content is bad. Having high quality articles will only intimidate your readers because they are sure that the product being promoted will surely be expensive.

Secondly if you decide to make writing as your source of income, you need to write clear and effective materials. Remember that almost all people use the Internet to find valuable and credible information depending on what they are looking for online. So it is imperative that you have good grammar and able to write good content. If you good skills in the English language then you are one step ahead among others, but for those who are having grammar problems then using a word processing software can help you in checking your grammar, spelling and some can detect errors in sentence structures and can help you improve as you progress.

Lastly, the Internet is one of the best places to do research and learn more about online writing and freelance writing jobs. You can start using your favourite search engine and start exploring the Web about how to improve your writing skills and get hired online. An online writing job allows you to work, learn and earn altogether without living your comfort zone. Imagine that you do not need to travel and worry about being in going to work because you get to work at home with ease and with convenience.

A paid online writing job is a good way to earn and improve your skills as a writer. So start searching the Web and get the writing job you always wanted and have a good way of living.

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How To Start A Blog That Matters

Everyone who has a blog wants it to be successful and also have a lot of web traffic. You want your readers to be excited about your content so that they keep coming back to visit. There are three marketing tips that you can to do to help you be a successful blogger. To be a successful blogger, you need to have a RSS feed, update on a consistent basis and comment on other relevant blogs.

Marketing Tip #1 - RSS Feed
When you start a new blog, no one knows about it unless you actually give them the link. You actually have to do some marketing to let people know that you exists. There are some easy ways to get the word out about your new blog. The first thing you should do is set up a RSS feed. You want to allow RSS feeds to be taken from your blog. RSS feeds are a great way for promoting and getting your blog out there. You should include a widget on your sidebar so people can sign up for your RSS feed.

Marketing Tip #2 - Update Blog Frequently
The second tip is to update your blog frequently and on a consistent basis. If you have committed to updating your blog daily, then update it daily. The minimum is to create a new blog post once a week. If you develop a consistent pattern, then your readers will start to come back to your site looking for new content. I can tell you from personal experience that you need to be consistent. If not, you can start to lose your readership.

Marketing Tip #3 - Blog Commenting
Another way to get more readers to your blog is to comment on other relevant blogs. You should find blogs that are similar to yours. Read the posts and make relevant useful comments. Don't just say "Nice blog post". Most people allow you to leave the URL of your blog in the comments. In some cases, this will also create a backlink to your blog. If your comments add value then people will come to your blog to find out more about you. There are several tools that you can use to find relevant blogs. Two of these tools are Technorati or the Google blog search tool.
As you can see, these are three easy ways to get more traffic to your blog.
Visit The Online Newbie if you are interested in learning more about my blog or starting an online marketing business TODAY to get out of the rat race, take control of our own destiny and stop trading time for dollars.

Best Seopressor Wordpress SEO Plugin, Better, Faster, Higher Ranking!

SEOPressor is a simple WordPress plugin to help with on page optimization. This will assist you with optimization of pages and posts created in WordPress. Daniel Tan, one of the greatest search engine optimization gurus in the world today is the developer and designer of SEOpressor. Here is a review of this plugin.

SEOPressor is a WordPress plugin you can obtain for a small investment. You can invest anywhere from $47 or up to $97 dollars, this is a onetime investment. This product is based on search engine optimization. Search engine optimization (SEO) is something many people do not realize they need for online work or advertising. Without a proper SEO, the webpage you set up may not get the page ranks in the search engines you desire and need for a business. LEARN MORE >>

Dotcomsecrets X - Internet Marketing Coaching Program

DotComSecrets X is another one of these internet marketing programs that promises to teach newcomers the methods and strategies in building a successful work from home internet marketing business. DotComSectrets X was created by Russell Brunson. Russell has been a successful internet marketer for the past 13 years. Russell says that his motive for created this training program is to help 100,000 people make money online and quit their 9 to 5 jobs. He also says he wants to help 1000 people become millionaires.

This is a 30 day internet marketing training course based on Russell's experience, knowledge and strategies. Russell shares this information in daily videos. Within these videos his students gain the knowledge, learn the strategies and put all that into practice by doing the required work set out in the video. By doing this they are daily putting together the building blocks for their own successful online business and future earning potential.

Best Coffee Shop Millionaire! The Most Tested And Proven Offer In Im.

When I heard there was going to be a launch of a product called Coffee Shop Millionaire, it intrigued me so I pulled some strings and was able to get a look into what this product was all about, so here is what you get when you become a member of Coffee Shop Millionaire.

Before I begin, I have to tell you that this product is set up in a very unique way, it basically has self made millionaires telling how they were able to become exactly that. Since there is so much content within this product I am going to try and tell you exactly about each section of the course but since there is so much that comes with this product I will not be able to cover all the specifics of Coffee Shop Millionaire, because it would make this article way to long. LEARN MORE >>